Thursday, February 4, 2010

How Do I Safely Remove Antivirus How Can I Safely Remove "Bestoffers" Ad Software From My Computer?

How can I safely remove "Bestoffers" ad software from my computer? - how do i safely remove antivirus

I do not know how he did on my computer.

When I want to uninstall, I get the message that the uninstall bestOff tool to upload your site, disable my antivirus software / firewall log on as Administrator, then run the uninstaller application. This seems very risky.


akudasha... said...

Go to this forum and follow the instructions; ...

All the tools you need are on this website, including step-by-step instructions.

Personally, I run Adaware, Cleanup, Spybot and AVG Anti-Virus. It can take place at the Mozilla Internet Explorer. Moreover, my internal use Apple iMac with OSX.

lifeofsh... said...

Thus Spybot go
Here, the freeware and the hard drive Scan for spyware

Install stop the program to correct mistakes if you go to stop.

This will help with spyware.
You can find even other spyware.

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